(%$$#^24067*&%2)我型我塑www.5x54.com CentOS是Red Hat Enterprise Linux的100%兼容的重新组建(%$$#^24067*&%2)我型我塑www.5x54.com,并完全符合Red Hat的再发行要求。CentOS面向那些需要企业级操作系统稳定性的人们(%$$#^24067*&%2)我型我塑www.5x54.com,而且并不涉及认证和支持方面的开销。
(%$$#^24067*&%2)我型我塑www.5x54.com 相关下载:
(%$$#^24067*&%2)我型我塑www.5x54.com CentOS-5.2-i386-bin-DVD.iso (3,834MB, MD5, torrent),
(%$$#^24067*&%2)我型我塑www.5x54.com CentOS-5.2-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso (4,388MB, MD5, torrent).
(%$$#^24067*&%2)我型我塑www.5x54.com 更多下载地址:http://www.centos.org/modules/tinycontent/index.php?id=13
(%$$#^24067*&%2)我型我塑www.5x54.com Karanbir Singh has announced the release of CentOS 5.2, a desktop a server distribution built by recompiling the source RPM packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.2: "We are pleased to announce the immediate availability of CentOS 5.2 for the i386 and x86_64 architectures.
(%$$#^24067*&%2)我型我塑www.5x54.com CentOS 5.2 is based on the upstream release 5.2 and includes packages from all variants, including Server and Client. All upstream repositories have been combined into one, to make it easier for end users to work with. And the option to further enable external repositories at install time is now available in the installer.
(%$$#^24067*&%2)我型我塑www.5x54.com Further arch support for PowerPC, IA64 and SPARC are planned and will be released soon." Read the release announcement and release notes for more a detailed description of changes and new features.
(%$$#^24067*&%2)我型我塑www.5x54.com The CD and DVD images are available for download from the project's mirrors: CentOS-5.2-i386-bin-DVD.iso (3,834MB, MD5, torrent), CentOS-5.2-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso (4,388MB, MD5, torrent).